Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Building, Version One.

Finally, its time to get down and dirty, no more riff raff. I would like to start out by explaining what the building itself will be. Of course, nothing is final, its just my ideas.


Basic Shape: So my idea goes along with the original, kind of. When i figured out my ride system (To be reveled) i realized i needed a tall square or cylinder. And almost like magic, the octagon came to me! it looks extremely similar from the front, but the building layout and everything is very different. The octagon is divided by its sides (See picture below)
Roof/top: The roof itself will actually be freestanding, with four sections coming inwards, with gaps at the four flat corners (see picture below). Alternate versions can fill this dead space in and make it a ride, or even a restaurant. 

Overall Apearence: The overall look of this building will be, of course, futuristic. With sleek LED lights going up the sides. (those diagonal double lines) Maybe even the ones that fade colors, i can already see it. Version 2 is still in development (actually i had the idea while writing this :P), but in the meantime, I leave you with this...

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