Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Building, Version One.

Finally, its time to get down and dirty, no more riff raff. I would like to start out by explaining what the building itself will be. Of course, nothing is final, its just my ideas.


Basic Shape: So my idea goes along with the original, kind of. When i figured out my ride system (To be reveled) i realized i needed a tall square or cylinder. And almost like magic, the octagon came to me! it looks extremely similar from the front, but the building layout and everything is very different. The octagon is divided by its sides (See picture below)
Roof/top: The roof itself will actually be freestanding, with four sections coming inwards, with gaps at the four flat corners (see picture below). Alternate versions can fill this dead space in and make it a ride, or even a restaurant. 

Overall Apearence: The overall look of this building will be, of course, futuristic. With sleek LED lights going up the sides. (those diagonal double lines) Maybe even the ones that fade colors, i can already see it. Version 2 is still in development (actually i had the idea while writing this :P), but in the meantime, I leave you with this...

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Could Horizons Return?

Before I start explaining my ideas for Horizons, I wanted to ask one question, could Horizons really return? i thought about this for a while when i realized; pretty much all EPCOT rides close after about 15 years (give or take) of service. which means mission space will be looking to be replaced by at least 2018. So really, if the imagineers just happened to get an idea for a new, fantastic ride, they might bring it back!

Of course, this is all extremely optimistic. Disney has only brought back an attraction once, and that was captain EO. But that's mainly because of Michael Jackson's death, and the fact that Honey I Shrunk The Audience needed to be replaced anyways. So unless Disney has some grand and spectacular idea for a new space ride based off some new pixar/Disney film, (oh please dont be a Guardians of the Galaxy ride... :o) the idea of a "New Horizons" (wink, wink) seems plausible. At least to me it does...

Monday, December 22, 2014

Why 2032?

While creating the poster for the previous post, I wondered, if Horizons would to ever make a triumphant return, when would it be? I was also playing around with the other EPCOT pavilions when i realized, 2033. It gave enough time for the attraction to be pitched, planned, and built; And it also happened to be Horizons 50th birthday. And then the idea came to me, EPCOT 2.0 arriving 10/1/2032. A new EPCOT! One that takes the ideas and concepts of the original EPCOT, and brought it into today's world. Because, lets be honest, our would needs EPCOT. 

But don't be going to mark your calenders for 2032 (if you even have a calender for that year) because nothing is set yet. Its an idea, a hope, and a dream...

here's a little homage to the original Ads ;)

Friday, October 31, 2014


I am glad to inform you that I have decided to hire myself as an imagineer and take on the task of re-imagining EPCOT. In my last post I explained some of my ideas for the future of EPCOT. But now things get real. My first series will be on my newest creation New Horizons, The new version of horizons. I will explain some of my ideas, and maybe even share "exclusive" concept art and plans. Thanks for reading, and "If you can dream it, then you can do it." 

(feel free to use and download this wallpaper) 
Why 2033? Read on for answers...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

What I would do to EPCOT


Hey guys, and welcome to my Horizons blog!!
Now before I talk about Horizons in general, I would like to take some time to talk about my ideas for the rest of EPCOT in general...


the first thing i would change is EPCOT's name. it was changed from EPCOT center to just Epcot in 1994. Here's the problem i have with this. EPCOT wasn't a theme park when it was first dreamed up by Walt Disney and WED, it was a city. And if something is going to carry on the legacy i think the name should be respected, and it was. EPCOT was originally an acronym for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, and when Epcot first open on October 1st, 1982, it was named EPCOT center, the acronym still there. Later Disney tried to forget every good thing they ever thought of and cover it up, changing the name to just Epcot was (to me) a disrespectful decision.


 Leave a legacy are those big granite stones in front of Spaceship earth at the entrance of the park. When EPCOT first opened, it was just lovely grass. But now, that lovely grass was paved over with tacky granite blocks with peoples faces on them, I wouldn't REALLY have a problem with this except that you cant actually buy a spot on them anymore. so they are literally just worthless...

Leave a legacy


If you have been to the innoventions, or your there now, look up and you will see a giant canopy made of triangles and other designs. Although it provides shade and looks cool, it make the plaza feel stuffy and cramped. and to have it removed would make it feel alot more open air.

Canopy at innoventions plaza


Innoventions (originally comminicore) does really have a focus at all.. really just just a place with alot if cool toys, not really a place to show off future technologies.. wait a minute, THAT'S IT! make a new innoventions that focus on developing technologies. Partner with companies like Google and apple to bring new products to the masses (ADVERTISING!)



Spaceship Earth is one of the few rides that has surprisingly kept its message ever since its existence and has undergone some of the least amount of changes, GOOD! i think.. First of all the ride needs a bit of an extension at the end. Ending on personal computers is a bit outdated, they need to end on smartphones, modern technology, etc. Next is the narration, don't get me wrong I like Judy Dench, but the script is just SO dumbed down! DO YOU THINK WE ARE STUPID DISNEY?? The script needs to return to a more poetic state and have a truly inspiration message about communication. And the narration would be complete by the voice of none other than, MORGAN FREEMAN.


Ellen's Energy adventure is a fun ride through energy and teaches fossil fuels, and although it is fun, it takes away from EPCOT's TRUE meaning, being a fun AND educational park. if UOE were to be reimagined, first, you should focus more on advancements in energy technology rather than history. second of all, Design new screen systems (Omni, 360, etc) to convey the story in style. next, BRING BACK THE AMAZING THEME SONG!! I don't know if its just me but i LOVE the original UOE theme song, BRING IT BACK!! also repaint the colors on the sides, bring back the heat! ;). Lastly, for the cast, bring a collaboration of scientists (bill nye etc.) and science orientated youtubers (Vsause) to bring a fun EDUCATIONAL trip through engery, more like the original!
Original Universe OF Energy


Wonders Of Life (WOL) was my second favorite pavilion (besides Horizons duh!) and the only one that doesn't currently have any attractions. WOL suffered from tacky colors and (honestly) some pretty cheap attractions. I was thinking maybe WOL can take on a Futuristic Medical lab theming. Not to hospital like though, very dramatized and very futuristic. you can have different "labs" teaching on the human body in clever ways (much more than science museum toys) and a reimagined cranium command featuring changing shows about different aspects of life. The making of me could be scraped for a show like the one at Hollywood studios that plays around with your senses. and the highlight, E-Ticket attraction, would be a reimagined Body Wars with a new, less ominous name. the que would feature past MET vechicles, Veteran Body Explores, more info on MET, etc. As if it was a real company. The ride itself could stay mostly the same, but would need a big graphics overhaul. The original film was great and maybe some better actors (maybe Sandra Bullock as DR. Lair? haha)

Skipping Horizons because that is yet to come...


The World Of Motion (or WOM.)(currently Test track)was a ride focusing on the history of transportation in a fun and whimsical way. the original ride was inspiring and you left singing, its fun to be freee... If i were to reimagine this ride, I would have it focus in the history and the Future of transportation. but still keeping and cleverly implementing the thrill/speed aspects of Test Track.


Journey to Seabase Alpha and learn about underwater life and conservation efforts in his fun attraction! The living seas (LS) is now dominated by shells, blueness, and Nemo, giving it a cartoony feel rather than a scientific one. for a revamp of LS i would re-shift the focus back to a sea base alpha and have the Nemo characters hidden throughout, not the main focus. put the hyrdovaters back in, yay! and have the clam ride converted into a ride talking about fish ecosystems and conservation using the Nemo characters to keep the kids entertained.



The land is one of the few pavilions that i think can stay the same as it is. some things i would do is: Repaint the interior applying a basic green color palate, Give living with the land some characters and making it more attractive to the younger crowds, and redo some more interior designs. And maybe, still in debate, having a thrill ride about plant experiments gone wrong in the gardens, although this goes against everything i believe, it would be fun. besides that I think The Land is all set!
The Land 2003, notice the colors, like WOL.


BRING BACK FIGMENT!! they yelled when Disney introduced the new Journey into YOUR imagination ride that made audiences miss Figment and the old EPCOT more than ever. So when Disney decided to bring back Figment we got excited! then the ride opened... the imagination institute, really. this is so sad how the mot loved, imaginative ;), creative, and overall amazing pavilion could go downhill so fast. The original Journey Into Imagination was focused on things like The arts, literature, etc. not the senses and Figment ruining your day, no no no no NOOO. ok, anyways, the first thing I would do is recreate the Glory of the original ride and bring back Dreamfinder! next i would reopen the foyer that used to be there. and having a beautiful 360 painting of "imagination." next, take out all of the old stuff with figment, and move it all upstairs, and have it be a state of the art imagination playground. lastly, i would change the Captian EO show (which is WAAAY out of date) and put in a show through the mind of a thinker (Walt Disney) or something like that ;).
Dreamfinder and Figemnt



I was thinking that the pavilions themes should returned as "revised" and that maybe John Williams could do the score? HAHA i know that's asking alot...


The original pavilion logos were the things that defined the pavilions, made then distinguishable, recognizable, made them memorable. without the logos EPCOT cant be what it was...

And well that's about it! If you want to know anymore about my opinions listed here you can email me at: anthonystudios100@gmail.com. And if u have any comments please do so! Hope you enjoyed reading and i hope you have a great week! Bye!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Hello, and welcome to the future! here on this very blog, I will attempt to recreate Horizons using my creativity and ideas. (not to brag) hope you enjoy reading! and if u have any ideasor concerns be sure to contact me!