Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Could Horizons Return?

Before I start explaining my ideas for Horizons, I wanted to ask one question, could Horizons really return? i thought about this for a while when i realized; pretty much all EPCOT rides close after about 15 years (give or take) of service. which means mission space will be looking to be replaced by at least 2018. So really, if the imagineers just happened to get an idea for a new, fantastic ride, they might bring it back!

Of course, this is all extremely optimistic. Disney has only brought back an attraction once, and that was captain EO. But that's mainly because of Michael Jackson's death, and the fact that Honey I Shrunk The Audience needed to be replaced anyways. So unless Disney has some grand and spectacular idea for a new space ride based off some new pixar/Disney film, (oh please dont be a Guardians of the Galaxy ride... :o) the idea of a "New Horizons" (wink, wink) seems plausible. At least to me it does...

Monday, December 22, 2014

Why 2032?

While creating the poster for the previous post, I wondered, if Horizons would to ever make a triumphant return, when would it be? I was also playing around with the other EPCOT pavilions when i realized, 2033. It gave enough time for the attraction to be pitched, planned, and built; And it also happened to be Horizons 50th birthday. And then the idea came to me, EPCOT 2.0 arriving 10/1/2032. A new EPCOT! One that takes the ideas and concepts of the original EPCOT, and brought it into today's world. Because, lets be honest, our would needs EPCOT. 

But don't be going to mark your calenders for 2032 (if you even have a calender for that year) because nothing is set yet. Its an idea, a hope, and a dream...

here's a little homage to the original Ads ;)